
Part of our friendly Cycling Group enjoying the beautiful Mornington Peninsula
WELCOME on behalf of the President and Members of the Mornington Peninsula Life Activities Club Inc.
Our club has now been active for 20 years, we have a strong Membership Data Base and currently have just under 200 Financial Members enjoying what we have to offer the Community in the way of Events, Dine-outs, Activities etc. Life Activities Clubs exist throughout various parts of Victoria. We rely entirely upon volunteer members who convene a range of regular and one off activities for our members to enjoy. Members are generally in the second half of their life and we have a wide range of activities for you to choose from. Our key goal is to enhance our members’ general sense of wellbeing and equity through social interaction and participation.
Stimulating activities - indoor and out, social evenings, events, outings and one off activities. The chance to meet interesting like-minded people and make new friends. Our objective is to enhance lives for those approaching or in retirement to develop and maintain an active lifestyle that enhances good health and wellbeing by offering social, physical and recreational opportunities and experiences in a safe and friendly environment. Couples & Singles are welcome.
This is a club for those wanting a social outlet. If you are newly retired or new to the area our club can help introduce you to friends in the Mornington Peninsula and Western Port area.
For further information please call the Membership Secretary, Miriam Madden 0493 437 646
Bi-monthly Members Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each even month 4.00pm (February, April, June, August, October and December) at St Mark's Uniting Church, 50 Barkly Street, Mornington.
Prospective members are most welcome. Come along, join us and stay for light refreshments and a chat.
Joining Fee: $10.00 per person which includes a Name Badge
Annual Membership Fees:
2024 / 2025 Membership Fees: $40.00 per single or $75.00 per double.
Associate Members: $25.00 per person plus joining fee.
Fees are due 1st July each year.
Receive 6 newsletters with listings of activities, venues and times.
General Enquiries only – Email: secretary@lifemornington.org.au
President: - Neville Green 0407 688 310
If you would like to learn more about our club please contact our
Membership Secretary: – Miriam Madden 0493 437 646 - Email: membership@lifemornington.org.au
Looking forward to seeing you soon.